What Is Data Cleaning And How It Is Done?
What Is Data Cleaning And How It Is Done? When data scientists talk about “cleaning up” data, it’s hard to interpret it literally. It makes no sense because data scientists actually don’t clean data. Data cleaning makes a data set useful by removing wrong and changing irrelevant values. It’s a preliminary stage of the very useful process of data mining, which you can be familiar with after reading this post . What is data cleansing? Why is it important and how do data scientists clean data? What Is Data Cleansing? Data cleaning is the detection and elimination of errors and inconsistencies in the data to improve the overall quality of the data. When it is necessary to integrate multiple data sources, for example, in data warehouses, unified database systems, or global information systems on the Internet, the need for data cleaning increases significantly. This is because sources often contain redundant data in different views. To ensure access to consistent data, it is nece...